故意的: Positioning Montana Tech for the Future
故意的 summarizes 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学’s new strategic plan. This plan provides a platform for fulfilling our special focus to meet the needs of our students, 蒙大拿州, 以及整个人类. 有着悠久的成功历史, 这个计划不仅让我们为未来做好准备, 但加快了我们对学生的承诺, 独特的项目, 以及强健健康的校园文化.
绝对独特的, 清新负担得起的, 并且有意创新, 我们强大的学术课程, 服务, and learning environment position students at the center of all we do by focusing on accessibility, 订婚, and employability from first impression through graduation and beyond.
在所有项目中刻意追求卓越, 我们提供变革性的学习经验, 研究, 并通过体验式学习提供服务, 指导, 社区及业界参与. 我们授权合作解决问题的人, determined doers who make an impact in their profession and our world.
机会主义和创新, we embrace our rich cultural heritage and abundant recreational environment to foster an inclusive and sustainable campus ecosystem. We provide exceptional service and invest in effective infrastructure that creates opportunities for social, 知识, 专业成长.